Awards and Recognition

Recipient of Prestigious “Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award 2016”, by National Innovation Foundation, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India at Rashtrapatibhavan, New Delhi on 13th March 2016.

Innovation was shortlisted from 2363 Nominations from across India from 50 Technology domains, which were from 276 Universities and Institutions belonging to 26 States and 2 Union territories.

The award-winning innovation is on “Design of Innovative Retrofitted Tricycle for a Disabled Person.” The award is under the category of ‘More from Less for Many’ (MLM). Concept conceived and worked upon by our students Ajit Mohekar, Tanmay Shah,Tatyaso Garande,Ramkrishna Patil, and Nikhil Pawar and guided by Prof Pushkaraj D Sonawane and Prof Dr. Sandip T Chavan. The Motorized Retrofitted Tricycle has been designed and fabricated to accommodate a disabled person along with his/her wheelchair, with a specially designed automated ramp. The vehicle made is unique, cost-effective, and also increases the mobility of the disabled person. By using the vehicle, the disabled person will have benefits in all respects (Education/Employment/ Rehabilitation) due to an increase in mobility and that too at an affordable cost.

Such a constructive and cost-effective solution was not available for the mobility of disabled persons, specifically on wheelchairs. This work has tried to address the above issue, having a tremendous social and economic impact.

Awarded “First Rank in ME Mechanical Design Engineering, 2000 batch” at the University of Pune, Pune, India.

Awarded “Best Paper Presentation Award” in National Conference on Advances in Armament Technology, ARDE, Pashan, DRDO, Pune, Nov 21-22, 2008, for the paper titled “Slender aerodynamic bodies for high-speed armaments.”